Grocery Outlet

Grocery Outlet

At Grocery Outlet, you'll find name-brand groceries for 40-70% less than conventional grocery stores.

Grocery Outlet is the nation's largest extreme value Grocery Store with 270+ independently operated stores in California, Idaho, Nevada...

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About Us

Grocery Outlet

At Grocery Outlet, you'll find name-brand groceries for 40-70% less than conventional grocery stores.

Grocery Outlet is the nation's largest extreme value Grocery Store with 270+ independently operated stores in California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Washington. Did you know you can save 40-70% off name-brand groceries every day without club cards or coupons? At Grocery Outlet, the bargains are simply incredible, and you'll find thousands of them every day.

The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce

The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce

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