Event Registration - The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce
2024 Starlight Parade "Toyland on Parade~
6:00 PM PST

Location: Lineup on 8th St. between Cherry Heights and Webber, Parade starts on West 6th Street and ending in front of The Dalles Chamber

Event Description
The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce is excited to bring you the 35th Annual Starlight Parade. Our theme this year is:
Pick your favorite Toyland and decorate your trucks and trailers full of twinkle lights and cheer in the theme and help us kick off the holiday season right! This is a great opportunity for your business to participate in a community activity that helps promote and market your business as a vital community partner. 
Friday, November 29th, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
Application Deadline: Wednesday, November 20th, 2024 3:00 PM
Non-Commercial/Non-Profit: $25.00 Commercial: $45.00
(4:00 p.m.) CHECK-IN BEGINS: Check-in is at 8th and Cherry Hts. Rd (behind Goodwill). A Kiwanis volunteer with a vest and clipboard will give you your number. Place the number so that people on either side of your float may see your number visibly.
(5:00 p.m.) JUDGING BEGINS: Judging will take place during the parade line-up and ribbons awarded. We will announce the winners at the Community Tree Lighting Ceremony at The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce. Judging will be based on the following criteria: Interpretation/presentation of the theme 40% of the score, Lights used creatively 30% of the score, and originality 30% of the score. There will be 3 Judges, They will begin judging at 5:00 p.m. Be prepared to show them what you got! There are 3 categories of ribbons: Floats, Walking Groups, and Equestrian. As well as a special “Mayor’s Choice” ribbon!
(6:00 p.m.) PARADE BEGINS: Begins at West 6th Street & Webber Street, turns east on 6th, which becomes West 3rd through downtown. Take a left on
Monroe & left on West 2nd Street. The parade ends at The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce.

Please do NOT throw candy! Instead, please hand to people.

*Following the parade, please join us for Hot Cocoa and the Annual Community Tree Lighting!

Questions? Please email: events@thedalleschamber.com or call (541) 296-2231, www.thedalleschamber.com

Hold Harmless Agreement - If you register for this event you are agreeing to the Hold Harmless Agreement BELOW!

The undersigned does hereby agree to RELEASE, AND HOLD HARMLESS, The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, their affiliates, employees, Boards of Directors, committees, event organizers, and volunteers, from any and all liability of any kind, any losses, claims, injury to persons or property (including without limitation wrongful death), actions or damages which I/We may suffer, and any such claims that may be asserted against The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, their affiliates, employees, Boards of Directors, committees, event organizers and volunteers by my participation in the Starlight Parade and any related activities, or arising from any act or omission by myself, my agents, or employees, or by reason of or related to myself or my use of any personal possessions or equipment as a participant in the Starlight Parade.

I further acknowledge the application of ORS 30.687 et. Seq., ACTIONS ARISING OUT OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES including but not limited to ORS 30.961 Limitations on liability; exceptions., to my participation in the Starlight Parade and acknowledge the limitation of liability which protects The Dalles Area Chamber of Commerce, their affiliates, employees, Board of Directors, committees, event organizers and volunteers, and limits their liability for injuries to persons and property that may arise from or be associated with the risks inherent in equine presence and use in the Starlight Parade.  As a condition of my participation in the Starlight Parade, I hereby waive the right to bring an action against any of the sponsoring entities and event organizers named herein for any injury or death arising out of riding, driving, grooming, or riding as a passenger in any equine driven form of transportation or upon an equine.

To ensure the reasonable safety of life and property in the operation of parade floats, automobiles, and similar conveyances within the city limits of The Dalles.
1. Material used in construction, decoration, etc. must be flame retardant. Materials such as straw or hay must also be treated.
2. Where a person is within a float, such as a driver, there shall be no combustible material within five feet of his exit way.
3. Motorized floats or floats pulled by a motorized vehicle and automobiles have to be equipped with a fire extinguisher with a classification, of at least 2A 10 8C (when a vehicle and trailer are connected as a single unit, one extinguisher will meet this requirement).
4. Horse-drawn wagons and other non-motorized conveyances using straw or other combustible material shall carry fire extinguishers as prescribed above.
5. No smoking is allowed on any float and no person shall cause or permit any open flame upon or within the area of any float.
6. No combination of vehicles coupled together shall consist of more than two vehicles.
7. Vehicle towing trailers must be equipped with a tow bar or coupling device of sufficient strength to hold the weight of the towed vehicle upon the street when operated.
8. Vehicle towing trailers shall be equipped with safety chains, connected to the towed and towing vehicles and to the tow bar to prevent the tow bar from dropping to the ground in the event the tow bar or coupling device fails.
9. Safety chains shall have no more slack than is necessary to permit proper turning.
10. A float may not exceed 40 feet and 13 ½ feet in height.
11. Vehicles and floats shall stay in their assigned position in the parade. NO Gapping between floats.
12. Operators of vehicles shall not have their vision obstructed.
13. Persons riding on floats shall be located on the main part of the float and positioned so they will not obstruct the vision of the operator.
14. Persons shall remain on the unit to which they are assigned to the end of the parade route, except in case of breakdown or emergency.
15. No unit shall disband until reaching the destination indicated on the permit, except in the case of a breakdown or emergency.
16. The drinking, display or possession of alcoholic beverages or other intoxicants, or controlled substances is absolutely prohibited. City ordinances and state laws will be enforced.
17. The discharge of firearms, fireworks or other explosive devices is prohibited. Violators will be prosecuted.
18. The throwing of objects or substances into the crowd is prohibited. Candy, balloons or small items may be HANDED OUT (not tossed)  to the crowd.
19. The parade's end will be at The Dalles Chamber Office 404 West 2nd Street. Please join us for the
Community Tree Lighting.
**Oregon law says everyone who rides a motorcycle has to wear a helmet
& kids Under 16 have to wear one when on a bicycle.